Emotionality, Feeling’s First Domain

Emotionality, Feeling’s First Domain

   Gender Stereotypes The attributes possessed by a Feeler are often thought of as being feminine in nature, while those of the Thinker are considered masculine. There actually is a correlation based on sex with these types, the only one that exists in the Jungian...
Logical Coherency, Thinking’s First Part

Logical Coherency, Thinking’s First Part

Thinking vs. Feeling The conflict between the brain and the heart is ages old. We all have desires, but we may sometimes question whether or not we really want something. Sometimes it seems as if some aspect of us may be attracted to an object while another part may...
Relativism, Intuition’s Third Part

Relativism, Intuition’s Third Part

Odd Ducks Many Intuitives feel as though they aren’t quite like other people, and this doesn’t usually go away as they age. They are the odd ducks…not just the ones who won’t stay in line or eat their food, but the ones that collect snail shells, float down the...
Watchfulness, Sensation’s Third Part

Watchfulness, Sensation’s Third Part

Types of Motivation Psychologists have found two types of motivation. The first, extrinsic, is connected to seeking a reward and avoiding punishment. The second, intrinsic, is associated with personal desires, aptitudes, and affinities. For example, a student...
Creativity, Intuition’s Second Part

Creativity, Intuition’s Second Part

  What Creativity Isn’t Many people make the mistake of associating creativity with the act of creating. As artist Kurt Wenner points out, creativity is a process, not a phenomenon. Creativity can occur without any physical change taking place. Any kind of assembly or...
Realism, Sensation’s Second Domain

Realism, Sensation’s Second Domain

   Type Test Limitations Some Sensory types walk away feeling dissatisfied after taking a Jungian Typology test, such as the MBTI, Keirsey Temperament Sorter, or Trait Spectrum. They are usually able to identify with the results for the most part, but they have...