What is your occupational skill set?

Can you quantify it? Chart it? Analyze it?

We can!

To do so, we use a tool known as the SPHERE. After completing the Trait Spectrum, your data will be used to generate a 2-dimensional graph and locate your Fallpoint and Atmosphere. Your Fallpoint is a point positioned amid various areas of activity, and your Atmosphere defines the space around the point, demonstrating the activity sectors you can tap into naturally.

The four major quadrants of the SPHERE are: Technology, Vision, Interaction, and Implementation. Those with an Atmosphere in the center of the graph are capable of tapping into all sectors, but they struggle with activities on the edge.

What are these activities? Well, they vary. Do you want to see how you measure up as an entry-level Programmer? A DevOps Engineer? An Architect? A DBA? Through our system, you can see the overlap between activities central to these roles and your personal Atmosphere.

SPHERE stands for Systematic Positioning Heuristic Examining Role Evaluation. As its name indicates, it’s basically a shortcut to understanding how well you fit into different roles. Its purpose is to look at the activities that are most important to each developer role and see how easily an individual can perform them.

While anyone can learn to do any kind of job, that doesn’t mean they will enjoy doing it, or be able to perform it with panache. Likewise, any activity outside of your skill set (i.e. your Atmosphere) will take a little more effort or be a little less interesting. The further it is from your Fallpoint, the more stress you will feel while doing that task.

At Paladin & Archer Software Systems, we believe that people should not only be good at what they do, they should enjoy it. If you get stressed out doing something, you’re probably doing the wrong thing. We want to help developers find the right thing, and the SPHERE is what enables us to do that.

If you are interested in learning what areas of activity come naturally to you and what position fits you best, start by taking the Trait Spectrum. Afterward, your results will display your unique Atmosphere and Fallpoint within the SPHERE, and you can see which developer roles you are most compatible with.

To take the Trait Spectrum and discover your placement in the SPHERE, please contact us at support@developerlevel.com.