Managing and motivating a team of software developers is a daily challenge. Your employees vary in background, education and experience, and each one has their own quirks. Your goal is to place them in roles to achieve the highest level of team productivity and also individual job satisfaction. 

  • Would you like to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of your team members and learn how to work with them better? 
  • Do you wish there were an easier way to tell who would be best for a particular task? 
  • Are you interested in unlocking the hidden talents in your team and helping each member be happy and satisfied with their work? 

If any of the above applies, the Trait Spectrum can help you. This is a tool designed by software developers, for software developers. Through it, you can gain insights about your team members that will help you make the best decisions regarding role placement, recommended training, improving communication, solving conflicts, and many other things.  

The Trait Spectrum measures 4 pairs of major traits. It will not only show you someone’s trait preferences, but will also give you a percentile to indicate how invested they are in each trait. It takes most people 15 to 30 minutes to complete. 

The data gathered in the Trait Spectrum questionnaire is then visualized in a tool called the SPHERE. The SPHERE will help you identify which activities a team member can really shine in, and which ones will seriously stress them out.  This allows you to optimize your team assignments. 

The use of this questionnaire is free, provided by Paladin & Archer Software Systems. Our goal is to offer the best solutions possible to bypass any barriers that stand in the way of great software development. We believe that matching the person to the job, and understanding how to guide them in the ways that are optimal, are strategies that create a positive workplace and happy, dedicated employees. In the correct role, an employee can find great satisfaction and motivation for personal and occupational growth. This, in turn, will transform their team and boost their company. 

Take the Trait Spectrum today!

If you are interested in taking the Trait Spectrum, or getting members of your development team to do so, please contact us at