Gender Stereotypes

The attributes possessed by a Feeler are often thought of as being feminine in nature, while those of the Thinker are considered masculine. There actually is a correlation based on sex with these types, the only one that exists in the Jungian typology. The split is usually reported to be close to 60/40 in any given measurement of such variables, with men tending toward Thinking and women toward Feeling.

The Sensitive Guy

While most men are thinkers, quite a few are Feelers; 40%, to be exact. That’s a lot. So, are all of these guys effeminate? Of course not. Most of them are sexually straight with otherwise generally masculine tendencies. Unfortunately, some people in society have a hard time seeing a tender-hearted man as masculine. Men with a special capacity for caring and nurturing may also be prevented from using their talents because of stereotype-based discrimination. This is something that needs to change. Men and women alike are damaged and limited by the prevalence of such ideas.



Nothing seems to characterize Feelers more than their Emotionality. They are deeply connected to their feelings, from which they seek guidance and understanding on a daily basis. Some may seem less emotional than others, but they have simply learned to hide their feelings to protect themselves. Unlike Thinkers, who can fully detach themselves from their emotions, Feelers who appear unaffected continue to feel deeply, and those feelings continue to impact their beliefs, perceptions, and decisions. Feelers embrace their emotions fully, seeing them as centrally important, not merely tangential and never irrelevant. They account for them in all of their decisions, not just their own, but others’ emotions, as well. Feelers seek to accommodate their desires, overcoming obstacles that stand in the way of satisfaction. They make choices that will help them realize their dreams and acquire the immense happiness they believe awaits them as they fulfill their personal destiny.


Feelers are often full of compassion for the trials they see others go through. They are sensitive to their suffering and feel driven to help, however they can. This can be a wonderful source of relief for those who are benefited by the Feeler’s ministrations. It’s always nice to have a friend like Samwise Gamgee who’s ever willing to “share the load”. Much of a Feeler’s time is devoted to other people—not just directly caring for them, but enjoying time with them, as well. They tend to enjoy relationships of all kinds, and they enjoy talking about them often. Even the more reserved are secretly aching for someone to share their feelings with; it’s just a matter of finding a safe haven. Feelers are quick to label relationships and are excited by status changes. Most of them love all the drama and messiness that comes with human relationships, even while complaining about it.


Feelers are desperate to express their roiling emotions. Extraverted Feelers may do this directly through speech, telling stories and letting their emotions shine through clearly. Introverted Feelers are more indirect, inserting their feelings into a journal or blog, or perhaps sublimating them into their art. Whatever means they may select, Feelers can’t help communicating the way they feel. This is partly because they attach so much value to their emotions. They believe each feeling is significant, and if they can only understand them better, their emotions will reveal important truths about themselves and others.




Considering the feelings of others is something that comes naturally to Feelers. They are the masters of tact, avoiding sensitive subjects and derailing others, when possible. They pay attentions to who is within range of hearing, and chances are that if you overheard something, you were expected to (unless you were hiding under the plant). Feelers can sense when something is amiss, and they may take a moment to have a “heart-to-heart” with the person, or find out through others what’s going on, allowing them to make fully-informed decisions. Feelers strong in Considerateness can provide wonderful emotional support to those round them and fend off potential psychological damage.


Trait Spectrum

So what’s your level of Emotionality? Take the Trait Spectrum if you’d like to find out. It will also give you your Jungian type and a full rundown of your Spectrum Strengths.

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