Maintenance Tasks

The Padawan Project is currently working on a feature that will allow users to create and track personal goals. Some of these goals may be related to your desire to maintain your personality components. For each type trait, there will be a list of tasks you can view. You will be able to choose which ones will work best for you and incorporate them into your personal goals.


Introverts may not excel as social butterflies, but what they lack in flight they make up for in readiness. They don’t want to be pushed, and will either clam up or disappear if that happens. Given sufficient space, Introverts can gather themselves together internally enough to fully participate in conversations, meetings, and group activities without difficulty. You may, however, notice a slight delicacy, underlying tension or vulnerability about them at times. This is a clue to the fact that they are never fully comfortable in a large group setting, even when they are having fun. Despite this, Introverts have developed some skills that help them get through social encounters, and deal with other areas of civilized life, successfully. The following sections describe the three areas of the Introvert Domain of Collectedness.


Though not usually as handy at introductions as Extraverts, Introverts prepare themselves for social encounters through considering what they will say. They take into account the interests of the other guests they will meet and prepare something they can say on each topic. They will often have contingencies in place for important interactions, and may even write things out to be sure everything salient is said, which makes them a great choice for best man (when a speech is required). They are experts at following the script and making minor adjustments, as necessary. But if they have to speak without notice, they may decline or say as little as possible before slipping away. Introverts need time to think before speaking, which is usually a great quality to have in a conversational partner.

Verbal Reflection

Introverts are great to talk to because they listen! They actually think about what you are saying, and may even stop you. Then they will chime in with something substantial based on their ruminations. But be careful; if you don’t really want people to think too much about what you’re saying, it’s better to keep quiet around Introverts. Introverts can easily be left behind in conversations, which may progress too rapidly for them to keep up, so don’t be surprised if they bring up a topic discussed half an hour ago. They also reflect on and during their activities, and can become absorbed in thought while working.


Full Formulation

Halfway is not how Introverts do things. They want to have all the facts, everything done, and to feel fully satisfied with something before showing it off. The unveiling of a project is usually a big deal to them. This may seem strange, since most of the time Introverts seem immune to fame and stick to the corners. But when something they’ve been working on is ready (usually something they’ve invested hours, days, or weeks in), they crave attention. They want to hear how amazing their work is, and to receive full credit for it. The accolades are really secondary though. What matters is that their work is valued. Good at keeping things to themselves, Introverts are lockboxes of information. Your secret could be safer with an Extravert, but it might take a long time to pinpoint one that can resist sharing it.


Collected, or Gregarious?

After reading this, would you consider yourself to be stronger in the Collectedness or Gregariousness Domain? If you haven’t read about Gregariousness, check out the previous article. Each one is equally valuable–it just depends on the scenario as to what approach might be better. And if you haven’t taken it yet, go complete the Trait Spectrum!

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